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6 Sources of Renewable Energy that Power the Future of Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin Mining: The renewable energy sources that will power the future of Bitcoin Mining. Here in this article, we will shed some light on the six renewable energy sources that will power Bitcoin mining in the future. Okay, let’s get started.

Bitcoin Mining
Bitcoin Mining

The 6 Energy Sources that will Power the Future of Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining does consume a lot of energy – roughly 110 terawatt-hours per year, equivalent to a small country’s consumption. A Bitcoin mining farm can run hundreds or thousands of mining rigs continuously every day, so it’s easy to understand how much energy may be generated. It’s also clear why Bitcoin miners prioritize lowering their energy costs.

For Bitcoin’s large-scale mining operations, wind, solar, and hydropower are the most environmentally friendly and sustainable energy sources. The cost of electricity is higher than that of gas and coal. In addition, 76 percent of miners are already using sustainable energy sources, according to the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance.

There is more to do to raise awareness and adopt renewable energy sources with recent headlines about Bitcoin’s energy consumption and if it can be sustained in the future.

A few renewable energy sources will power mining companies in the years ahead, so if you want to start a mining operation, transfer electricity sources, or invest in a mining company, you should be aware of these sources.

Eco Friendly Bitcoin-Mining
Eco Friendly Bitcoin-Mining


It is also possible to generate renewable energy from wind. It involves erecting enormous wind turbines in open spaces to harness power from air movement and convert it into electricity. As a renewable energy source, wind energy does not require drilling or mining – only wind turbines – and the energy generated can be used to entire power countries, cities, or even individual homes. A kilowatt-hour of wind energy costs about one cent to two cents, and rates are typically set for several decades. Wind power is appealing because it does not require fuel or user fees and creates jobs.

Due to a large amount of wind power in Texas, which accounts for more than 20% of total energy, many bitcoin miners will relocate to Texas after China bans bitcoin mining operations.


El Salvador’s president invited Bitcoin miners to use the country’s volcanic energy, geothermal energy, a renewable resource. A geothermal energy source is heat stored in the earth’s crust, including steam and volcanic energy. As a renewable energy source, geothermal energy will have a capacity of 14,000 megawatts by 2020. However, geothermal energy can only be found in areas where heat can rise to the surface, such as near tectonic plates.

Residual Energy and Biomass

A sustainable energy source is waste energy produced by incineration or microbes that break down organic matter to produce heat. This heat is then used to power steam turbines that generate electricity. The reduction of landfills may also result from this option. The cryptocurrency company 4New made the news when it announced it would build a waste-to-energy plant to power its operation.

Solar Energy for Bitcoin Mining

Solar Energy for Bitcoin Mining

A solar panel is a system that uses photovoltaic cells to capture the sun’s rays to generate energy. It is one of the most widely used renewable energy sources and one of the most straightforward. It’s easy to set up and maintain, and there is no drilling, mining, or burning involved. As a result, the cost of large-scale photovoltaic (PV) solar energy has decreased by 82 percent between 2010 and 2019.

Accordingly, Square and Blockstream recently announced that they would invest $ 5 million in a solar-powered Bitcoin mining facility to “demonstrate that real-world, renewable miners can be built, in addition to empirically proving that Bitcoin is driving us toward a sustainable future,” as they put it.


Water currents are one of the earliest forms of renewable energy (think of waterwheels for mills or the Hoover Dam). Continually operating waterfalls offer steady, infinite energy, whether taken in by rivers, dams, or turbines, making it incredibly cohesive. Moreover, it is one of the cheapest expenses, at 85 cents per kilowatt-hour, and 90% of the energy can be converted into electricity.

A significant benefit of Chinese mining operations was tapping into large amounts of hydroelectric power, especially in Sichuan Province, where hydropower can provide 95 percent of the electricity during the rainy season.

Tidal Energy and Ocean Energy Bitcoin Mining

Tidal Energy and Ocean Energy

Similar to hydropower, tidal power is a renewable energy source. Rather than flowing water, tide gauges at the tide line or turbines installed below sea level in the ocean capture the movement of water and turn it into energy. Due to a lack of established locations, adoption has been limited thus far, but technology advances and costs are decreasing as this alternative becomes more popular. Nevertheless, it’s extremely promising. South Korea’s most incredible tidal power station can produce 500 gigawatt-hours per year, equivalent to 862,000 barrels of oil.

Bitcoin Mining is a Renewable Source for Others

The Bitcoin mining industry seeks renewable energy sources and uses renewable energy. Some miners can sell back surplus electricity to the grid. Several mining companies use waste heat to heat cities, greenhouses, and other local businesses from their mining activities.

Cryptocurrency mining will undoubtedly be essential for ensuring a sustainable future, whether consumed or produced.


We have discussed the renewable energy sources that will power bitcoin mining in the future. Hopefully, this article will give you some insight into the six sources of renewable energy that will power Bitcoin mining in the future.

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