
How High Quality Content Can Influence Your Website Traffic

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How High Quality Content Can Influence Your Website Traffic

Providing high-quality content is of utmost importance if you want to attract high-quality traffic to your site. If you do research, you will know that all the sites that rank on top of the search results in Google get traffic by quality content. You can either write the content yourself or hire a professional writer to write it for you.

How Does Providing Quality Content Help Your Blog
If your content is quality, people will naturally want to stay longer on the site to read it. Readers who find your content interesting will leave a sincere comment on the post. The first comment may prompt others to join in the conversation and the post will soon have a lot of comments. Every time, a comment is published under your post, it is counted as an update.

A post with lots of updates will attract the attention of the search engine. This is because the bot is constantly looking for new updates to crawl so that it can keep its index up to date. The search engine regards this type of interaction as a sign that your blog post is high quality. Thus, it will rank this blog post higher in the search result.

If someone finds your post worth sharing, he will surely take the initiative to share it on his social media account. His friends on the social media will notice the shared post and share it with other friends. Your post can quickly get a lot of quality referral traffic from the social media if it is well written in the way that people want to read.

How to Write a Quality Blog Post
To write a great content, you must first know who is your audience and what are their needs. You can take a look at the competitors’ sites and see what kind of content they are offering. The content that you come up must be unique so that people have a reason to visit your site to read it.

If you consistently offer quality content, your blog will surely get recognized by the search engine and you will start to see some real traffic pouring in. As your blog gets traffic, you will get comments. In the comment, your reader may offer feedback. You should react to the feedback quickly and make the necessary changes to improve your blog content.

Before publishing the post, make sure to read it again 2 – 3 times to check for grammar and spelling error. You can use subheadings to divide the content into different sections. The title and subheadings must not be too long. They must be catchy and make people want to continue to read the entire post.

It is important to always include a variety of keywords in the post. You can use the Google suggestion tool to find relevant keywords if you can’t afford to buy the keyword tool subscription. Writing a long post is better than writing a short post. It is always better to write a long post than a shorter one. A long post contains more words for the search engine to extract relevant keyword phrase that matches the searcher’s query.

Tracking the Performance of Your Blog Content
You can incorporate a scoring system like 5 stars rating or poll to measure your content quality. If your content gets a lot of 4 or 5 stars ratings, the search engine will rank it higher in the search result due to the positive responses from your readers.

You must use an analytic software to track the performance if you want to get traffic by quality content. Through the analytics software, you will know which content is the most popular and which content has the highest conversion rate. If you have a content that gets a lot of page view for example 1K page views, you can use it in your online marketing campaign.

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